As implementation was still taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic, the trainings were designed and conducted as virtual sessions. It was particularly important to impart knowledge in a compressed, but also very practical way. This ensured that participants’ attention remained at a high level even in the virtual setting.
In terms of content, the basics and techniques of truly constructive feedback were taught first. The training also focused on the attitudes of those involved in the feedback process. Throughout the training, we discussed and tested out the Feedforward approach. In order to truly motivate people to change through feedback, the person giving the feedback must create plenty of space for solutions. In addition, the person providing the feedback must clarify and promote the benefits that arise from alternative behaviour. In this respect, the Feedforward approach is particularly exciting and relevant for managers.
The condensed theory section was followed by practical feedback training in small groups. All Aperto employees used a personal, critical and constructive case from their own professional lives. This was important so that the participants could really identify with the exercise.
The small groups consisted of both a feedback sender and receiver, as well as a yuii trainer in the role of observer. This allowed the participants to train intensively, to pay attention to the building blocks of constructive feedback and understand why they make a difference to the quality of the feedback. The trainers gave individual feedback on the feedback style used and were able to directly point out opportunities for optimisation.
At the end of each learning unit, all participants had the opportunity to reflect together on what they had learned and experienced.