
Career Coaching

Reorientation and career planning

Advance your own career planning


Regular 1:1 coaching meetings, remote or on-site

Individual mix of coaching and action-oriented tools

On-site or virtual

Woman looks into the distance with binoculars

"Career coaching is a great opportunity. It offers you the opportunity to orientate yourself, plan your next steps and actively shape your own career."


More and more people are looking for a professional activity that makes them truly happy and satisfied. In a yuii Career Coaching session, we work together to find out what you already bring to the table – both professionally and personally – and what you really want to do with your strengths and resources.

Through Career Coaching you can rediscover old dreams or gain the courage to do something completely new in your professional life. You may also realise that your current position is the right one for you, it just needs to be redesigned or realigned.

Who is this for?

For people who want to actively shape their career path

For people who want to change professionally

For people who are unsure where their vocation lies


  • Successful, but not happy: finding one’s vocation
  • Making decisions: Which profession or position is the right one?
  • Should I start my own business?
  • Which further education is right for me?
  • I am in a new phase of life – what suits me now?

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On one hand, career coaching includes taking stock: What have you achieved so far and how satisfied are you? What do you want to achieve and what has to change in order to make that possible? On the other hand, we focus on your strengths, talents and inclinations: What are your qualifications and motivates you? What comes easily to you? In which direction does your natural talent go?

We work out concrete steps for your career path: in which environment would you like to work? Which function should it be? Would you like to start your own business? What are you still missing, in order to open up new areas for yourself? And how do you get out of the situation you are stuck in?

Career coaching usually lasts between eight and 10 hours. A career change is a process in which you should give yourself enough time for new ideas to mature in peace.


In career coaching, appropriate methods from systemic and integral coaching are used on an individual basis. In career coaching we work with values, biographical interviewing, blocking beliefs, core competencies, the inner team and your emotions.


Madeleine Yoran

Madeleine Yoran


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