

Business Coaching for Managers

Start where you are today and get to where you want to be tomorrow

Sharpening roles and goals as a leader and implementing change


Regular 1:1 coaching meetings, remote or on-site

Individual mix of methods, systemic coaching and action-oriented tools

On-site or virtual

Woman looks into the distance and shields her eyes with her hand

"Business coaching for executives works. It increases participants' performance and satisfaction – and their employees, too."


Business Coaching for Managers. Why? A lot is demanded of managers. The demands on the role are increasing and with them the demands on individual behaviour. Managers should be strategically clear and at the same time employee-oriented. In the process, certain behavioural patterns that have become entrenched over years can get in the way and become problematic for everyone involved: satisfaction and performance decline.

When previous strategies do not lead to the desired goal or situations seem stuck, professional support through Business Coaching for Managers can be extremely effective and make a decisive difference for both the leader and their entire team.

In our experience, noticeable improvements often occur after just a few sessions, because the manager broadens their perspective on their behaviour. Business Coaching for Managers can take place at yuii Business Training in Berlin and, of course, also remotely.

Who is this for?

For managers who want to strengthen their own resources

For managers who want to change their own behaviour patterns

For managers who want to work on individual issues to do with their role


Coaching topics are identified based on participants’ needs, eg:

  • Understanding leadership: what kind of leader do I want to be?
  • Dealing with staff challenges, resolving or avoiding conflicts
  • Developing effective self-management: prioritisation, delegation, work-life balance
  • Improving self-confidence
  • Giving constructive and motivating feedback, conducting good staff reviews
  • Communication in a management role: communicating appropriately and clearly, using appropriate body language
  • Exploring your strengths and weaknesses
  • How can unhelpful behaviour and reaction patterns be uncovered and improved?


In Business Coaching for Managers, new perspectives, thought-provoking impulses and possibilities for action are opened up – explicitly in relation to one’s own leadership role. We start with the skills and resources that are already available, encourage their use and make a distinction from previous behaviour. Together we go in search of what makes a difference for you. And always keep your specific context in mind.


In Business Coaching for Managers, we rely on a diverse toolbox of systemic and integral business coaching methods.


Let's go! Book an appointment for a non-binding meeting so we can get to know each other.

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